Research and Studies on hydrogenated water: discover the benefits for your health

Years of research and development have gone into discovering the benefits that molecular hydrogen therapy offers the body. Studies began in the 1960s and intensified from 2007 with the work of Professor Otha.

Today, there are 1335 of them, each more promising than the last, clearly explaining the benefits of hydrogenated water.

But before we dive into selecting scientific studies, there are a few basic questions that need to be answered.

Understanding hydrogenated water

Hydrogenated water is revolutionizing the way we think about hydration and health. But what exactly is it and why is it getting so much attention? At its core, hydrogenated water is regular water infused with molecular hydrogen (H₂). This tiny molecule, the simplest and most abundant element in the universe, has a powerful impact on promoting health and well-being.

How does a hydrogen water bottle work?

Hydrogen water bottles are designed to generate molecular hydrogen through a process called electrolysis. This involves using an electric current to split water molecules (H₂O) into oxygen and hydrogen gas. The hydrogen gas is then dissolved in water, creating hydrogen-rich water that can be consumed.
  1. Electrolysis process: The bottle contains electrodes which, when activated, produce hydrogen gas.
  2. Hydrogen Infusion: Hydrogen gas is dissolved in water, enriching it with molecular hydrogen.
  3. Consumption: Drinking this hydrogen-infused water allows the body to absorb the health benefits of hydrogen.

Are hydrogen water bottles legit?

Yes, hydrogen water bottles are backed by scientific research and numerous studies that highlight their health benefits. They are a legitimate and effective way to enhance your water with molecular hydrogen.

How long do hydrogen water bottles last?

The lifespan of a hydrogen water bottle may vary depending on its use and maintenance. However, with proper care, Ionessence bottles are designed to last for years, providing long-term health benefits.

Do hydrogen water bottles really work?

Yes, hydrogen water bottles are effective. The benefits of hydrogen-infused water have been supported by scientific research, including its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and metabolic effects.

Benefits of using a hydrogen water bottle :

The potential health benefits of hydrogenated water are supported by various scientific studies and user testimonials. Here are some key benefits:

1- Powerful antioxidant properties

Hydrogen acts as a selective antioxidant, targeting harmful free radicals in the body without affecting beneficial radicals. This helps reduce oxidative stress, a major contributor to aging and various diseases.

2- Anti-inflammatory effects

Hydrogen water has been shown to reduce inflammation, which is beneficial for conditions such as arthritis, asthma, and other chronic inflammatory conditions. The anti-inflammatory properties help reduce pain and improve overall health.

3- Improved sports performance and recovery

Athletes turn to hydrogenated water for its ability to improve performance and speed recovery. Studies suggest it may reduce fatigue and muscle soreness by fighting oxidative stress and inflammation.

4- Improved metabolism and weight management

Regular consumption of hydrogen water can help manage weight by boosting metabolism and improving digestion. It also helps regulate blood sugar levels, making it beneficial for people with diabetes or metabolic syndrome.

5- Cardiovascular health

Hydrogenated water can help maintain heart health by reducing bad cholesterol levels and improving blood pressure. Its antioxidant properties protect the heart from oxidative damage, potentially reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

6- Cognitive benefits

Hydrogen water has neuroprotective effects, which may help maintain cognitive function and potentially reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. It helps reduce brain inflammation and oxidative stress.


To better understand all the science of molecular hydrogen as well as the negative redox potential, we encourage you, before purchasing, to review the research yourself from unaffiliated linked sources.

Here are some selected for you, trying to be as relevant as possible, in order to understand the full scope of the benefits of hydrogenated water :


Antioxidant and brain protective effects

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1.Bari, F. et al.,Hydrogen gas inhalation protects cerebrovascular reactivity against moderate but not severe perinatal hypoxic injury in newborn piglets. AVC, 2010. 41(4) : p. E323-E323.

​2.Cui, Y., et al.,Hydrogen-rich saline attenuates neuronal ischemia-reperfusion injury by protecting mitochondrial function in rats. J Surg Res, 2014.

​3.Dohi, K. et al.,Molecular hydrogen in drinking water protects against neurodegenerative changes induced by head trauma. PLoS One, 2014. 9(9) : p. e108034.

4.Domoki, F., et al.,Hydrogen is neuroprotective and preserves cerebrovascular reactivity in asphyxiated newborn pigs.Pediatric Research, 2010. 68(5): p. 387-392.

​5.Eckermann, JM et al.,Hydrogen is neuroprotective against surgically induced brain damage.Medical Gas Research, 2011. 1(1): p. 7.

​6.Feng, Y., et al.,Hydrogen-rich saline prevents early neurovascular dysfunction resulting from inhibition of oxidative stress in STZ diabetic rats. Curr Eye Res, 2013. 38(3) : p. 396-404.

​7.Fu, Y., et al.,Molecular hydrogen protects against 6-hydroxydopamine-induced nigrostriatal degeneration in a rat model of Parkinson's disease. Letters from neuroscience, 2009. 453: p. 81-85.

8.Fujita, K., et al.,Hydrogen in drinking water reduces dopaminergic neuronal loss in the 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine mouse model of Parkinson's disease. PLoS One, 2009. 4(9) : p. e7247.

​9.Gu, Y., et al.,Drinking hydrogen water improved cognitive impairment in mice with accelerated senescence. Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition, 2010. 46(3): p. 269-276.

10.Han, L., et al.,Hydrogen-rich water protects against ischemic brain injury in rats by regulating calcium buffer proteins. Brain Res, 2015.

​11.Hong, Y., et al.,Beneficial effect of hydrogen-rich saline on cerebral vasospasm after experimental subarachnoid hemorrhage in rats. J Neurosci Res, 2012. 90(8) : p. 1670-80.

12.Hong, Y., et al.,Neuroprotective effect of hydrogen-rich saline against neurological damage and apoptosis in early brain injury following subarachnoid hemorrhage: possible role of the Akt/GSK3beta signaling pathway. PLoS One, 2014. 9(4) : p. e96212.

13.Hou, Z., et al.,Hydrogen-rich saline protects against oxidative damage and cognitive deficits after mild head injury. Brain Res Bull, 2012. 88(6) : p. 560-5.

Improves skin health

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Mood disorders

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Remove inflammation

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Athletic and muscular performance

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Stimulate weight loss

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Helps fight allergies

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Helps prevent hearing loss

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Protect the eyes

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Protect the heart

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Protect the liver

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Improved the respiratory tracts,Hydrogen%2Denriched%20water%20eliminates%20fine%20particles%20from%20the%20lungs,blood%20by%20enhancing%20phagocytic%20activity

If you want to know more :

  • studies the benefits of hydrogen
  • National Biotechnology Center
  • Taylor & Francis / Informa Healthcare
  • Europe PubMed - Sports medicine
  • Molecular hydrogen
  • National Institute of Health PubMed
  • The evolution of molecular hydrogen
  • Dovepress Medical (diabetes study)
  • PubMed Pilot Study (Athlete Study)
  • Why choose Ionessence hydrogen water bottles?

    When it comes to choosing the best hydrogen water bottle, Ionessence stands out for several reasons:

    1- Advanced Technology

    Our bottles use the latest SPE/PEM technology, ensuring a high concentration of molecular hydrogen in each sip, while ensuring qualitative optimization of hydrogen production by isolating bad gases. This technology ensures effective and efficient hydrogen production, providing you with maximum health benefits.

    2- Sustainability and safety

    Ionessence hydrogen water bottles are made from high-quality BPA-free materials that ensure durability and safety. They are designed for everyday use, whether you are at home, at the gym or on the go.

    3- User-friendly design

    Our bottles are designed with convenience in mind. They are easy to use, with simple one-button operation and a quick electrolysis process. The portable design makes it easy to carry your hydrogen water wherever you go.

    4- Positive reviews and testimonials

    Customers are raving about the benefits they get from using Ionessence hydrogen water bottles. From improved energy levels to better overall health, our users have seen significant positive changes in their lives.

    Hydrogen water is more than just a trend; it's a scientifically-backed way to improve your health and well-being. By choosing an Ionessence hydrogen water bottle, you are investing in a product that offers many benefits, supported by cutting-edge technology and positive user experiences. Start your journey to better health with hydrogenated water today.