How do hydrogen water bottles work? - ionessence

How do hydrogen water bottles work?

All around us, we hear these questions more and more often:
  • Are hydrogen water bottles legit?
  • Do hydrogen water bottles work?
  • How does a hydrogen water bottle work?

For some years now, hydrogen water bottles have been increasingly present on the health and wellness market. But their technology is little-known and sometimes even disparaged.

With this article and a bit of research, we're going to take a closer look at the subject in order to answer these questions and try to position ourselves more clearly on the subject.

First of all, what is hydrogenated water?

Hydrogenated water, or hydrogen-rich water, is water obtained by infusing hydrogen gas (H₂) into water under pressure, creating a supersaturated solution.

You can obtain hydrogenated water by buying disposable containers in which the hydrogen is already dissolved, or by infusing pellets into the water, but this requires you to buy some regularly.

The best way to create hydrogenated water today is to use a hydrogenated water generator, which will produce hydrogen in a bottle thanks to its electrolysis mechanism.

But then, how do hydrogen water bottles work?

The preparation process takes place in 2 stages:

  1. Electrolysis: Portable hydrogen water bottles contain an electrolytic cell to produce hydrogen. This process involves applying an electric current to the water, which separates the hydrogen and oxygen molecules.
  2. Infusion: The hydrogen is then dissolved in the water, while the oxygen is released or eliminated.

The resulting hydrogenated water offers over 150 health benefits for the human body, according to science and current studies. The mechanism of action is based on 2 fundamental principles:

Antioxidant properties: Once infused, hydrogen acts as a super-powered antioxidant in the body. It has the unique ability to neutralize and eliminate only harmful reactive oxygen species (ROS), such as hydroxyl radicals, without affecting other ROS that play a beneficial physiological role.

Anti-inflammatory properties: Hydrogen has powerful anti-inflammatory properties that can alleviate chronic inflammation, a risk factor behind most diseases.

Immediate benefits for cells: Due to its small molecular size, hydrogen can rapidly penetrate cell membranes and reach vital cellular components such as mitochondria and nuclei.

It then exerts its protective effects by permanently neutralizing the free radicals at the source of their production.

For a better understanding, here's a summary of the scientific article:
Hydrogenated water: very healthy or a hoax? - A systematic review, published on January 12, 2024 on the NIH - National Library of Medicine website.

Health benefits of drinking hydrogenated water:

  • Exercise and endurance: due to the high quality of hydration it provides, hydrogenated water improves performance and recovery, reduces lactic acid levels in the blood and improves ventilatory efficiency.
  • Oxidative stress: hydrogen's antioxidant properties can reduce damage caused by reactive oxygen species, potentially mitigating lifestyle-related diseases and the aging process (skin, cells, organs).
  • Cardiovascular health: May improve lipid profiles and reduce inflammation, helping to manage hyperlipidemia and cardiovascular disease. Also supports cardiac recovery after surgery. 
  • Mental health: early studies suggest that hydrogen-rich water may have beneficial effects on mood and anxiety levels.
  • Liver function: May improve liver function markers in conditions such as chronic hepatitis B and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).
  • Anti-aging: Preliminary data indicate potential anti-aging effects, improving physical health and reducing biomarkers associated with age-related degeneration.

A systematic review of 25 peer-reviewed articles was carried out, exploring the impacts of hydrogen-rich water on various health outcomes. The review was registered with PROSPERO and followed strict inclusion criteria focused on human studies.

So to the question, are hydrogen water bottles legitimate, it would seem we can answer with a big, easy YES.

If you wish, you can enrich your knowledge by browsing a sample of the 1,335 scientific studies conducted on the subject 

 And what do others think of hydrogen water bottles?

Skeptics' viewpoint:
Some people think hydrogenated water is just another gadget. Well, because there will always be skeptics. And that you have to take the trouble to do a bit of research to understand the subject.

Favorable point of view:

We quote the now famous Gary Brecka, who is a human biologist and co-founder of 10X Health System. With over 20 years' experience in biopiracy and functional medicine, he is obsessed with how people can achieve optimal functionality within themselves through innovative methods that are both practical while respecting the body's natural systems. He is convinced of the benefits of hydrogenated water and actively advises regular consumption.

Andrew Huberman, a professor of neurobiology at Stanford University, has discussed the potential benefits of drinking hydrogen water on his podcast. As leading researchers uncover more insights into hydrogen water, many people are interested in learning whether it can improve health. In this post, we’ll summarize Huberman’s main points about hydrogen water, his product recommendations, and examine the scientific evidence behind its touted benefits.

the famous magazine, explains, Hydrogen-rich water reduces inflammatory responses and prevents apoptosis of peripheral blood cells in healthy adults: a randomized, double-blind, controlled trial

 If you'd like to invest in this technology and enjoy the benefits of therapeutic water yourself, here are a few tips on use and storage:

  • Technology: concentrate on products that use a renowned membrane (such as DuPont) and a double-chamber system to guarantee the purity and effectiveness of the water obtained. This is the Japanese technology known as SPE PEM. Without this high-quality know-how, undesirable gases such as chlorine and ozone would end up in your infused water.

Beware of attractively priced bottles ($30/$50) sold on amazon or elsewhere, which do not provide this technology.

  • Immediate consumption: Hydrogenated water should be drunk soon after production, as the hydrogen dissipates rapidly once the water is exposed to the air.
  • Storage instructions: If not consumed immediately, hydrogenated water should be stored in an airtight container to preserve its effectiveness for only a few hours. This is why hydrogenated water bottles are so practical, as they are hermetically sealed.
  • Consider scientific support and personal health needs before investing.

Summary and recommendations:
The effectiveness and value of hydrogen water bottle generators is a matter of debate among experts. Skeptics, believe the benefits may be overstated and compare the product to other "health gadgets".

Proponents, on the other hand, cite preliminary research and hundreds of scientific studies conducted since the 1960s, and more concretely since 2007. These studies suggest effective, proven and validated antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits. Hydrogen-rich water has potential as a therapeutic aid for a wide range of health problems, from improving sporting performance to supporting cardiovascular health.

In conclusion, even if the Science behind hydrogenated water is still in development, hydrogen water bottles are therefore a practical way of consuming rich water that offers multiple health benefits, in our modern lives where we are constantly under attack from toxic free radicals.

discover our selected product.

You can also download this free EBook, which we found very interesting as it explains the action of this therapeutic water in very simple detail:

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